
Christen Forster


“Christen knew the call to work alongside Jesus as a master builder (1 Cor 3:10) from his late teens (1 Corinthians 3:9-10). At 15 years of age he had been given three months to live after advanced non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma was discovered throughout his body. His spontaneous healing (after prayer) caused a meeting in Harley Street and even received the cynical attention of the London press. But more importantly it transformed Christen’s relationship with God.  
Over the years Christen has helped plant churches in the UK and abroad, he has led locally and on national and international bodies and missions organisations. But he’s never lost sight of the truth that Jesus changes the world a life at a time. Jesus delights in ordinary people as the Father delights in the Son, (Proverbs 8:30-31). At King’s this means we seek to be a happy and joyful community that makes discovering what Jesus has for each of us as enjoyable and fruitful as possible.”