Gabriel's Thoughts

A Poem ...

Read by Wendy Preston

Gabriel's Thoughts

She took it surprisingly well, really!
Considering the shock value of the message.
She was startled when I arrived,
but then they always are.
Humans are not used to heavenly messengers...
invading their world's realm.
She was just a slip of a girl, really!
Chosen out of ordinariness ... for extraordinary purpose.
Chosen out of all others
to be the one who would be the mother..
of the saviour of the world.
There I stood, appearing to her suddenly.
as it were out of nowhere, announcing news...
the like of which mere humans had never heard before.
She looked shocked.
After all, humans don't come across angels every day.
Humans can't walk through walls,
appear out of nowhere.

But, as for what she was really thinking...

we can't read their minds.

© Barbara Todd

Pray with me.

Heavenly Father...

You are the embodiment of goodness, rightness and holiness.
You hold all power, all authority, all truth in your hands. 

You are indeed King of Kings, and Lord of Lords.
Thank You for Advent. 
A time of Coming. 
A time for Preparation, Celebration, Expectation, Anticipation.

Open my eyes with a freshness to ponder, consider and respond anew to the amazing events which unfolded 2000 years ago.

For Yours is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory

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